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Hey there! Just bought a few of your Effekseer animations (including this one) and trying to do something unusual. We’re wanting to just use them as a gif for video effects. We can make a gif composite using the sprite sheets, but there’s a significant loss of quality and it’s just a bit of a pain in general. We’ve never used Effekseer so it’s a steep learning curve. We’re trying to export to transparent GIF using the record function, but every combination of settings we try either results in garbage or a non-transparent GIF. Do you have any tips or suggestions for how to export it properly? The non-transparent GIF it’s exporting seems like it would be perfect if only we could stop it from adding a background to the recording.

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Hello, I do not know a way to export it as transparent GIF through Effekseer sadly. You have to export as PNG Frames, then create the transparent GIF with external tools I think.


Hey man, been following you for a while, really like your animations. Unfortunately, it seems like someone else does, too, as I happened across another page recently whose uploads bear... quite the resemblance.

From what I can see, they look very similar, if not identical. Apologies to all involved if I'm mistaken, but I felt like it was something that should be brought to your attention.


Wow thanks a lot. I'll report this user.

Glad to see you are able to diversify your animations instead of leaning into a specific style or genre. Keep up the great work

Thanks ! I try to learn new things with each new animation !