RPG Dev Bakin compatible now



  • Added files compatible with the new "RPG Dev Bakin" Engine.
  • Separated the assets in 2 folders: 'Effekseer' and 'RPG Dev Bakin'


Patreon Pack 1 8.8 MB
Oct 20, 2022

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What kind of files does Bakin use for animations? Can it import sprite sheet or effekseer animations at all, or does it use something different?


Hello, it does not use sprite sheet from what I've seen for now (it's still in Early Access after all).
It uses Effekseer animations, but not in "*.efkefc" format.
The format used in Bakin is "*.efk".


Ah so it's not backwards compatible, ie, you can't put Bakin anims into MZ


No, but my products will contains both versions, so it's usable everywhere (as most as possible)


This is huge!